Monday, May 18, 2020

Hamlet Essay - 1107 Words

Perhaps the most famous soliloquy in literature, these words reflect the state of desperation in which Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, finds himself as he contemplates suicide. His father, the King, has died. His mother, the Queen, has remarried within a month of the Kings passing, an act which has disturbed young Hamlet in and of it. To make it worse, she has married the Kings brother, Hamlets uncle, who is now the King of Denmark. As Hamlets despair deepens, he learns through the appearance of an apparition of his dead father; that the old King was murdered by the new King. Hamlets growing awareness of the betrayal of his mother and evil of Claudius leads to a deepening depression and madness. This soliloquy contains the famous†¦show more content†¦This soliloquy portrays Hamlet as a sort of coward because he can not act upon his own emotions and desires. In order to escape his heartache, he cowardly thinks about killing himself. Hamlets state of mind has gone through a metamorphosis. Hamlet knows how much of a coward he has been comparing himself to Fortinbras. He admires Fortinbras for the mere fact that he can retain control of his state and his army, whereas Hamlet can barely control himself. By this, he is finally realizing what he has to do in order to protect his honor, and his fathers honor. Hamlet as the coward who can not avenge his father and the honor of his family. Hamlet finally vows to act upon his feelings and states, quot;O, from this time forth/my thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth!† It is at this pivotal moment where Hamlet no longer has an inner struggle and determines the actions he must assume in order to restore his family honor and bring an inner peace to him. Hamlets character during the beginning of the play is one of virtue and integrity, fearing the consequences of his action. As the play progresses, Hamlet becomes more and more confused and his inner struggle seems to be getting worse. After the explosion scene, Hamlet finally wins the battle within himself, causing him to act against his own inhibitions in order to dutifully avenge the murderShow MoreRelatedHamlet Madness In Hamlet1293 Words   |  6 Pages When reading Shakespeare’s Hamlet as a class, the first thing that most teachers or professors point out is the argument/idea of sanity, specifically Hamlets sanity. I believe that Hamlet is, in fact, feigning his madness. What I do not know is if I believe this because it is what I was taught or if I came up with the idea myself based on my own interpretation. When I was taught Hamlet there was no argument it was just fact that he was faking his madness. Because of my confusion, I came to findRead MoreHamlet1304 Words   |  6 Pagesunderlying themes of revenge, incest, and suicide, William Shakespeare’s Hamlet was remembered by many Elizabethan Era viewers as both a philosophical and oft-debated masterpiece (Dickson). 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