Wednesday, May 6, 2020

America s College For A Community College Essay - 1787 Words

Free Community College, also known as President Obama’s America’s College Promise Plan, has gained much publicity recently due to the increasing cost of attending a post-secondary institution. The America’s College Promise Plan initiative is designed to enable all students the access to enroll in a community college for free. This research study aims to explore the impact the word â€Å"free† means to high school students regarding attending a community college. This literature review will give a brief analysis of the history and growth of community colleges, the different demographics and enrollment statistics of students, the cost of attending a two-year college, and what cost factors impact potential students’ college choice decisions. Lastly, a review of the proposed free community college plan and what impact it may have on society. History of Community Colleges in the United States Community colleges have grown over the years and now play a significant role in higher education since their inception in the early 1900s. Community colleges initially began as junior colleges with the intention to â€Å"offer a 2-year college degree to students who may not wish to pursue their baccalaureate and to provide high school graduates easier access to higher education† (Morset, 2013, p. 320). Cohen, Brawer Kisker (2013) indicate that community colleges are â€Å"any not-for-profit institution regionally accredited toward the associates in arts or the associates in science as itsShow MoreRelatedAmerica s Expanding Community College Access940 Words   |  4 Pagesschool will continue with their higher education level. Most of students think that if they graduate from college or four years university they will have a chance to work on the professional field rather than minimum wages. 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